Saturday 14 July 2007

How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Business

One of the most affordable small businesses to start is a carpet cleaning business. Most homes have carpeting in at least one of the rooms and that carpet needs to be cleaned at least once a year.

Many people have their carpets cleaned several times a year. This may be because they have small children who tend to drop things or they have a pet. Another reason people often hire someone to come in and clean their carpeting is because of allergens. Dust and pet dander can become lodged within the fibers of carpeting and although regular vacuuming helps the problem, having the carpets cleaned really attacks the problem.

There are several different approaches to pursue when you want to start a carpet cleaning business. One is to join an established business by purchasing a franchise. There are several companies that have made a strong name for themselves in the carpet cleaning business. These companies often want to expand their business and the easiest, quickest and most profitable method is to offer franchise opportunities.

This means that an interested party can purchase the right to use the name of the carpet cleaning business for a fee. The business provides training and guidance to the franchisee and in some cases a monthly fee is required.

In most instances of buying a franchise you’ll also be required to purchase your equipment including the carpet cleaning machine. The business you become associated with will require that you purchase the type of carpet cleaning machine that all their other franchisees use. This is an initial part of the investment and depending on how busy you become it will be paid for in no time at all.

If you are not comfortable buying a franchise to begin your carpet cleaning business, you might decide to dive into the venture on your own. If you don’t have a strong background in business management or marketing it might be beneficial to hire someone who does. Although operating the machine is a fundamental component to carpet cleaning business, the marketing and business operations are essential.

Without customers you will not have any carpets to clean and your business won’t have the chance it needs to flourish. You have to get word out about your new carpet cleaning business and one of the most effective ways to do this is to sponsor a promotion. This can be in the form of a percentage off the regular cost or perhaps you will clean an additional room at no cost if the customer is paying to have the carpets in two rooms cleaned.

A carpet cleaning business can be a fun and profitable endeavor if handled properly. If you are going to invest money into the venture ensure it has the best chance of success.